Wilhelm Schürmann

Suburban Constructivism (I)

Limited Edition: 250 copies
80 pages
Photographs: 57 full-plate black & white images
Size: 26 x 24 cm
Weight: 0,6 kg
published in: 2019
screen printed + folded cardboard
Text: Klaus Honnef
Language: German / English
ISBN: 978-3-9818339-7-3

$ 77Price incl. tax excl. shipping costs

Wilhelm Schürmann’s new book, Suburban Constructivism (I), is already the artist’s third title in our publishing house. At the same time it’s the first title in our planned series, which aims to document an extensive overview of his work, spanning almost 50 years. This volume covers his early work, exclusively black & white pictures from the 1970s and 1980s. These analogue photographs, mostly shot with a large-format camera, show the architecture of the areas surrounding his hometown of Kohlscheid near Aachen, Germany. Images from suburbs of cities in Belgium and the Netherlands appear regularly among Wilhelm Schürmann’s pictures as well. A second volume of Suburban Constructivism (already in the making) will show that this theme has remained a constant subject of his photographic explorations. Volume II, Suburban Constructivism (II)  will present mainly digital pictures from the last 10 years, with a publication date expected for the middle of December. Finally, Volume III will assemble the best artists’ portraits shot by Wilhelm Schürmann over a span of 30 years of collecting contemporary art. Publication is planned for summer 2020.

We have been delighted to have Klaus Honnef provide the text for the book. He has known the artist and his work for years, and the rich background information that he can supply contributes to a better understanding of the artist and his photography.